Union of Composers, Conductors and Musicologists (BESOM)
Association Charter
Association Name:
Article: 1 Name of the Association: It is the Union of Composers, Conductors and Musicologists. The abbreviated name of the association is BESOM.
Headquarters of the association:
Article : 2 The headquarters of the association is in Ankara. No Branch.
The purpose of the association and the working subjects and working style to be continued by the association in order to realize this aim:
The purpose of the association:
Article:3 The aims of the association are as follows:
a- Enriching Contemporary Turkish Classical Music, which is the representative of the Republic of Turkey with its national, universal and artistic qualities, with new works; development in its diversity; to be more vocalized, disseminated, promoted more effectively in our country and in other countries,
b-To create an environment conducive to the training of more qualified artists in the fields of creation-voice-over-management-research-education and broadcasting;
c-Creating the necessary environment for making composers, conductors and music researchers more productive; defending and providing the material, moral and professional rights, realizing the necessary institutionalization for this;
d- As a whole, creating an opportunity to contribute to the continuous development of Contemporary Turkish Art Music in terms of quantity and quality, to bring it into social life and to contribute to its participation in the universal music repertoire;
In order to achieve this aim, the association carries out the following activities:
A) Tasks Related to Evaluation of Artworks
1) To prepare catalogs containing the works of Contemporary Turkish Composers (according to genres such as Orchestra, Chorus, Chamber Music) and specifying where and how their notes can be obtained, and have them prepared by order; to send these Catalogs to relevant institutions, natural and legal persons; to constantly announce and promote old and new works;
2) Based on the fact that the repertoire of Contemporary Turkish Music has an important accumulation in terms of quantity and quality, the works of Turkish composers should be included more in concert programs, they should be included in education programs in the music education departments of conservatories and universities, and in this way, Contemporary Turkish Music products should be performed more and more. trying to ensure that it reaches large audiences; for this purpose, to try to impose the principle of "A Turkish Work in Every Concert" to Symphony Orchestras and Chamber Music Ensembles in our country, to adopt the principle of "Allocating Half of Each Program to Turkish Works" to our polyphonic choirs, and to adopt the principle of "A Turkish Work in Every Class" to Music Educational Institutions; to provide information, catalogues, notes, etc.;
3) To take initiatives by the Radio-Television institutions in our country to record Contemporary Turkish Art Music works, to publish them more and to pay royalties in accordance with international criteria; assisting such institutions;
4) Contemporary Turkish Art Music works, primarily under the direction of Turkish conductors, recording, distribution and promotion of Records-CD-Cassettes, royalties to the composers and the payment of note rent and the protection of all kinds of rights take necessary action; to support the initiatives and efforts of private and legal persons on these issues;
5) To publish periodic and non-periodical publications for the development of Contemporary Turkish Classical Music in line with the objectives of the Association;
6) To support relevant institutions and individuals in order to encourage the performance and promotion of Contemporary Turkish Music works more, more qualified and continuously; For this:
a-Electing and rewarding the music ensembles, Manager, and Commentator of the year who perform the most and best Contemporary Turkish Music works;
b- Selecting and rewarding the music writers of the year (in the categories of promotion-criticism-original book-translation) who best introduce the composers, works, Directors, Music Scientists, write objective reviews, publish the best music books, translate the most useful books;
c-To select and reward the programmers who make the best Radio-TV program about Contemporary Turkish Music;
Choosing the three-year composer, young composer, conductor, young conductor, choir conductor, music researcher, music publisher;
d- To ensure the participation of the music public in the Evaluation and Auditions, and the monetary contributions of natural and legal persons to the awards;
7) In order to perform the works of Turkish composers in the best way and to be announced to as many people as possible:
a- Establishing and supporting musical ensembles; organize their concerts;
B-Radio-TV broadcasts to make special programs and to help them; Organizing conferences, open sessions at universities and colleges; help organize it;
c-Organizing Contemporary Turkish Composers Festival once a year; To ensure that Orchestra, Chorus, Opera, chamber music concerts and conferences on the subject are given in this festival, with programs consisting of works by Contemporary Turkish composers; Organizing Young Composers Concerts; Organizing Young Conductors - Choral Conductors and Commentators concerts;
8) To carry out the qualified printing-distribution-sale and in this way the promotion and dissemination of Contemporary Turkish Music works (starting with the ones that can be printed easily and cheaply and sold quickly); To ensure that the parts of orchestral works are written and leased to the institution that performs them, and that the composer is paid rent and royalties; trying to establish a ÇTM Edition by creating opportunities; to realize these by increasing the monetary power of the Union on the one hand, and by providing the financial support of natural and legal persons on the other hand;
9) To cooperate with relevant persons and institutions regarding the legal rights granted to composers and authors by the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, to ensure that these rights are obtained and delivered to right holders;
B) Tasks Related to Accelerating Creation
1) Announcing and promoting the opportunities and experiences of Besom members in composing music for Motion Picture, TV Films, Documentary Films and various TV programs made in Turkey; Expanding the work-creation possibilities of composers and conductors; 2) Orchestra, Opera, Ballet etc. To try to put Creation Money in the budgets of the music departments of the performing arts institutions, Conservatories and Universities, to order works suitable for the functions of these institutions, to open award-winning competitions among young composers, to pay prizes, rent and royalties;
3) To open composition competitions in all genres of music among young composers, to reward, perform and promote successful works; ordering music to member composers by providing financial support from private and legal persons: ensuring that the won music is performed and promoted;
4) For the purpose of strengthening music resources in Turkey, developing music research-translation, enriching music life:
a-Ordering brochures, researches and books to music researchers and writers for scientific research-biography and promotional purposes on Contemporary Turkish Music composers and their works; to ensure their printing-distribution-dissemination;
b- Opening scientific research and examination competitions in every branch of Traditional Turkish Music, ordering works for music researchers, supporting, recommending and rewarding serious studies and publications made outside the initiative of the Union;
c- To open translation competitions, to have the translation of the books and articles to be determined by order, so that important music books and writings written in foreign languages can be brought into Turkish as soon as possible; To support, recommend and reward valuable translations and publications made outside the initiative of the Association;
ç-To help the values of Traditional and Contemporary Turkish music take their place in our country and in the world music literature, on the one hand, and to help universal music values become more widely known in Turkey, on the other hand;
C) Duties Related to Institutionalization, More Creative and Researcher Raising Nationwide
1) In order to realize a deep-rooted musical development across the country:
a-Researching the music problems of Turkish society and ways to solve them; disseminating and disseminating the emerging views-ideas-solution suggestions, trying to create an effective public opinion;
b- To try to inform political parties, governments, the Ministry of Culture, the Planning Organization, municipalities, related private and legal persons about the positive development of music life; practitioners, plans, programs, budgets, etc. related to these issues. assisting in the necessary preliminary studies;
c- In each province: Establishing Children's and Youth Choirs, opening primary and secondary music schools, To initiate the establishment of a Music Teachers' Choir in every province, to establish a Conservatory in every major province where there is a University, to make suggestions to and assist those concerned;
2) To prepare an environment for the creation of more qualified music products, to enrich the Contemporary Turkish Music repertoire with new works, to take measures to encourage and realize the training of more qualified composers in order to accelerate and disseminate the musical transformation of Turkish society in a healthy way, to assist those concerned;
3) In order to create an environment for more and more qualified research on Traditional Turkish Music, Contemporary Turkish Classical Music and universal music, writing books, translations, and more frequent coverage of music articles and quality music criticism in the press, To take initiatives to take measures to encourage and realize the training of more qualified music scientists, to assist those concerned;
4) Developing relations with foreign associations and organizations, making joint organizations, opening representative offices abroad if needed, being a member of associations or organizations established abroad;
5) To receive assistance from local and foreign persons and organizations operating in line with the objectives of the Association, and to assist individuals and organizations that are thought to serve these purposes in line with the objectives of the Association;
6) To provide training, open courses, organize concerts and conferences for professionals and amateurs;
7) To create opportunities for adult and emerging Turkish composers, orchestra and choir conductors and music researchers to increase their knowledge, experience and development in foreign countries; to provide material and moral support in these matters;
D) Duties Related to Communication and Organization
1) To open branches in provinces with sufficient number of members; To take and implement the necessary measures in order to carry out the duties of the Union effectively;
2) Composers, Orchestra and Choir Conductors and Music Publishing Magazines, Brochures, Bulletins in order to help scientists and music writers to be informed about each other's works, outputs and events related to them and to inform the relevant circles; Organizing CSSM Concerts and conferences with explanations;
3) To establish a Contemporary Turkish Music Documentation containing all the information, products and activities related to Turkish composers, Orchestra and Choir Conductors, Music Writers; To present this document to the service of researchers-authors and those who want it;
4) Establishing relations and making professional contacts on behalf of Besom with natural or legal persons in the country and abroad on the matters required by the objectives and duties of the Union;
5) To establish a FOUNDATION in order to realize the objectives and duties of the Union more effectively and to be more effective in solving the music problems of Turkey; To meet the short-term loan needs of the members for their vital needs with the Aid Fund;
6) In order to realize the objectives and duties of the Union, all members should have knowledge-skills-experience etc. To establish Special Working Groups in order to make the most effective use of its experience and to ensure that every member actively participates and contributes to the fulfillment of the duties of the Union; To prepare guidelines stating the duties, powers and responsibilities of each working group; to help the group work to be carried out successfully according to these guidelines.
Conditions and forms of membership, withdrawal and removal from the association:
The right to become a member;
Article: 4- Real or legal persons who have actual capacity, those who adopt the aims of the association, can become members of the association, provided that they are not subject to the permanent and temporary deprivation of rights or limitation of rights specified in the Associations Law No. 5253 and the Turkish Civil Code. The board of directors of the association has to decide on the written applications for membership in the form of acceptance or rejection of the membership within maximum thirty days and announce the result to the applicant in writing. No one can be compelled to become a member.
Article: 5-No one can be forced to remain a member of the Association, and has the right to resign in any way. As soon as the resignation letter of the member reaches the board of directors, the exit process is completed.
Article: 6- Those who lose their right to exercise their civil rights and their right to remain a member of the association while being a member of the association, and whose membership is decided to be removed from membership due to their actions contrary to the association's bylaws, are terminated. In case of detection of one of the above-mentioned situations, the membership record is deleted by the board of directors of the association. Those who have been removed from membership due to their actions against the association's bylaws have the right to object to the General Assembly.
Members' Rights:
Article: 7 Members of the association have equal rights.
Organs of the Association:
Article: 8 The organs of the association are shown below;
a-General assembly
b-Board of Directors
c-Supervisory Board
Establishment and Meeting Time of the General Assembly of the Association:
Form of establishment:
Article:9 The general assembly consists of members registered to the association.
Gathering Time:
Article:10 The general assembly convenes once a year in February on the day, place and time to be determined by the board of directors. Apart from the ordinary meeting, the general assembly convenes extraordinarily when deemed necessary by the board of directors and auditors or upon the written request of one-fifth of the members of the association. The general assembly meeting is called by the board of directors. If the board of directors does not convene the general assembly within a month upon the written request of the supervisory board or one-fifth of the members of the association, the supervisory board or the local magistrate, upon the application of one of the members requesting a meeting, hold a hearing and assign a committee of three among the members of the association to convene the general assembly.
Call Procedure:
Article:11 The Board of Directors arranges the list of members registered to the association. Members to attend the general assembly are invited to the meeting at least fifteen days in advance, by announcing the day, time, place and agenda in a newspaper or by notifying them in writing or by e-mail. In this call, if the meeting cannot be held due to the lack of a quorum, the day, time and place of the second meeting is also specified. The period between the first meeting and the second meeting cannot be less than seven days or more than sixty days.
If the meeting is postponed for any reason other than the lack of quorum, this situation is announced to the members in accordance with the call procedure for the first meeting, including the reasons for the postponement. The second meeting must be held within six months at the latest from the date of adjournment. Members are called back to the second meeting in accordance with the principles specified in the first paragraph.
The general assembly meeting cannot be postponed more than once.
Meeting place:
Article:12 General assembly meetings are held at a place to be determined by the board of directors.
Meeting quorum:
Article:13 The general assembly, with the absolute majority of the members registered to the association; In the event of a bylaw change and the dissolution of the association, it convenes with the participation of 2/3 of the members. However, the number of members attending this second meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and supervisory board of the association.
Procedure of the Meeting:
Article:14 The list of members who will attend the general assembly is made available at the meeting place. Members enter the meeting place by signing against their names on the list prepared by the board of directors. Those who do not show their identity document, do not sign the specified list and members who do not have the right to attend the general assembly will not be admitted to the meeting place. These persons and those who are not members of the association can watch the general assembly meeting in a separate section. If the meeting quorum is met, the situation is determined in a minute and the meeting is opened by the chairman of the board of directors or one of the board members to be appointed. If the meeting quorum is not achieved, a minute is drawn up by the board of directors. After the opening, a chairman and a sufficient number of vice-chairmen and a secretary are elected to manage the meeting, and a council committee is formed. The management and security of the meeting belongs to the chairman of the council. The general assembly concludes with the discussion and resolution of the items on the agenda. Each member has one vote at the general assembly; The member has to use the game personally. The issues discussed and the decisions taken at the meeting are written in a minute and signed by the chairman of the council and the clerks. At the end of the meeting, the minutes and other documents are delivered to the chairman of the board of directors.
Topics to be discussed at the meeting:
Article: 15 Only the items on the agenda are discussed at the general assembly meeting.
However, it is obligatory to include on the agenda the issues that are requested to be discussed by at least one-tenth of the members present at the meeting.
Duties, Authorities, Voting and Decision-Making Procedures and Forms of the General Assembly:
Duties and powers of the general assembly:
Article:16 The following written matters are discussed and resolved by the general assembly.
1) Election of the bodies of the association,
2) Amendment of the association's charter.
3) Discussing the reports of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board, acquitting the board of directors,
4) Discussing the budget prepared by the Board of Directors and accepting it as it is or by changing it,
5) Authorization of the board of directors for the purchase of immovable properties required for the association or the sale of existing immovable properties.
6) To examine the regulations to be prepared by the Board of Directors regarding the activities of the association, and to approve them as they are or by changing them.
7) Dissolution of the association.
8) Examining and deciding on other proposals submitted by the board of directors
Voting and Decision Making Procedures and Forms:
Article: 17 General assembly resolutions are made by the absolute majority of the members attending the meeting; Decisions on changing the bylaws and dissolution of the association are taken only by the 2/3 majority of the members attending the meeting. Votes are determined secretly or openly. Secret ballots are the votes that are collected by adding the papers or ballot papers sealed by the board of directors to a sealed or empty container after the necessary action, and are determined by making an open list after the end of the voting. In open voting, the method specified by the chairman of the general assembly is applied. The candidate or proposal that reaches one more than half of the valid votes wins or is decided. Each member has one vote at the general assembly. The member has to use the game in person.
Duties and Powers of the Management and Supervisory Boards, How they will be elected, Number of Full and Alternate Members:
Board of Directors:
Article:18 The Board of Directors is elected by secret ballot by the general assembly as 5 original and 5 substitute members. If there is a vacancy in the main memberships, it is obligatory to call the substitute members for duty. The board of directors fulfills the following:
1) To represent the Association or to authorize one or more of its own members in this regard.
2) To make the transactions related to the income and expense accounts of the association and to prepare the budget for the next period and present it to the general assembly.
3) To prepare the regulations regarding the activities of the association and submit it to the approval of the general assembly.
4) Purchasing immovable property, selling movable and immovable properties belonging to the association, and constructing buildings or facilities with the authorization of the general assembly. buying government bonds, treasury bills or any kind of bonds or stocks.
5) To make a lease agreement, to establish a pledge, mortgage or same rights in favor of the association.
6) To take and implement all kinds of decisions in order to realize the objectives of the Association.
7) At the end of each activity year, to prepare a report describing the annual balance sheet and the work of the board of directors of the association and submit it to the supervisory board.
8) To decide to accept or remove members from the association.
Failure to Complete the Board of Directors with Alternate Members:
Article:19 If the number of members of the Board of Directors falls below half of the total number of members after the replacements are brought in due to vacancies, the general assembly is called for a meeting within one month by the current members of the board of directors or the supervisory board. If the call is not made, upon the request of one of the members, the judge of the peace assigns three members to call the general assembly meeting within one month.
Supervisory Board:
Article: 20 Supervisory Board 3 Principal, 3 alternate members are elected by the general assembly.
Duties of the Supervisory Board:
1) To examine and audit all the accounts and transactions of the association, the transactions and activities of the board of directors, and the financial situation of the association, at least once every 12 months and at uncertain times.
2) To present the reports to be prepared as a result of the audit to the board of directors and the annual reports to be prepared before the general assembly meeting to the general assembly.
3) To call the general assembly meeting when necessary.
Borrowing Procedures of the Association:
Article:21 Pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Obligations and other legislation, the board of directors may borrow for the future, with the permission of the General Assembly, in purchases of movable and real estate on behalf of the association in order to realize the activities and objectives of the association.
Notification of those elected to the organs to the Administration:
Article: 22 Names and surnames, fathers' names of the principal and substitute members elected by the chairman of the board of directors to the board of directors and supervisory boards and other organs of the association within thirty days following the election made by the general assembly. place and dates of birth, occupations and residences are notified in writing to the highest authority of the place where the headquarters of the association is located.
How to Determine the Entry and Annual Fee Amount to be Paid by Members:
Article:23 Entry and annual fee amounts to be paid by the members are determined by the general assembly.
Association's Revenues:
Article:24 Sources of income of the association:
1) Membership fee and entrance fee
2) Revenues from activities such as publications made by the association, lottery, balls, entertainment, performances, concerts, sports competitions and conferences.
3) Income to be obtained from the rental of musical notes of works by composers who are members of the association
4) Income from the assets of the association
5) Donations and donations
6) Consists of donations and aids to be collected in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on aid collection.
Books and Records:
Article: 25 The association keeps the books specified in the law and regulation.
The book listed in this article must be certified by the Notary Public or by the Directorate of Associations.
Types of Internal Audit of the Association:
Article:26 Internal audit is essential in associations. Internal audits can be carried out by the general assembly, the board of directors or the supervisory board, as well as by independent audit firms. The fact that an audit has been carried out by the general assembly, the board of directors or independent audit firms does not remove the obligation of the audit board.
supervisory board; Inspects whether the association operates in line with the purpose and subjects stated in its charter, whether the books, accounts and records are kept in accordance with the legislation and association charter, in accordance with the principles and procedures determined in the association's charter, at intervals not exceeding one year, and reports the audit results in a timely manner. presents a report to the board of directors and to the general assembly when it convenes.
Upon the request of the members of the supervisory board, it is obligatory to show or give all kinds of information, documents and records by the authorities of the association, and to fulfill the request to enter the management places, establishments and annexes.
How to Amend the Bylaws:
Article:27 Bylaw changes can be made with the decision of the general assembly.
2/3 majority of the members registered to the association is required in order to amend the bylaws in the general assembly. In case the meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and supervisory board.
The majority of the decisions required for the amendment of the bylaws is 2/3 of the votes of the members attending the meeting and having the right to vote. In the general assembly, the vote on the amendments to the bylaws is made openly.
Form of Liquidation of Assets in case of Dissolution of the Association:
Article: 28 The General Assembly of the Association can always decide to dissolve the association. In order for the general assembly to decide on the dissolution of the association, at least two-thirds of the members registered to the association according to the statute must be present at the meeting. If this majority is not achieved in the first meeting, the members are invited to the second meeting. It is obligatory to make the decision regarding the termination with a two-thirds majority of the members present at the meeting. The dissolution of the association is notified in writing to the highest civilian authority of the locality by the board of directors.
Lack of Provision:
Article: 29- In cases where there is no provision in the Association's Bylaws, the provisions of the Law of Associations No. 5253 and the provisions of the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721 are applied in cases where there is no provision on this subject.